Years of experience (by us and other catteries) have shown in practice that a Savannah F3 is a normal house cat.
Theory and practice Savannah F3
In theory, it has been thought that a Savannah F3 is not domesticated. Theoretical people simply sit behind a desk and have never had to deal with an F3. It is true that an F3 is the 3rd generation after the serval. But to use this as a reason that an F3 is a hybrid? Practice teaches experience. How many people are happy with an F3? We can tell you: A lot! How many people have become unhappy with an F3 or have suffered disadvantages from it? We can also tell you: Nobody!
An F3 has a great character because they are very social in dealing with people, children and other animals. With this we can speak of a full-fledged house cat. This is also proof that an F3 is fully domesticated and can be kept in the house without any problems without a mandatory outdoor enclosure. (an outdoor enclosure is of course a bonus for all cat species and is mainly intended to protect the cat from the dangers on the street)
In an F3, no more than 20% serval blood is present. You do not see this in the behavior and character of an F3. What we see is a cat species that adapts perfectly to the family and is a real housemate.

Character traits Savannah F3
An F3 is relaxed, helpful, active and curious and has only good qualities. It is not without reason that F3 cats are used in hospitals and nursing homes abroad. In adults and also in children we see that sick people get a lot of support from a Savannah cat and these people can even switch to less medication.
In our opinion it is very unfair that an F3 is seen as a hybrid. An F3 could never live in the wild. An F3 (or lower generation) would be a very nice house cat and family member for a family. The Savannah F3 (or lower generation) itself certainly knows how to appreciate this.
Want to know more about a Savannah F3 or lower generation? Then contact us. Also take a look at RVSK, the breed association for Savannah cats.